2 Small BS BoD's


I think I've asked this before, but I can't find the thread and I've already forgotten, so pardon the redundancy if this sounds familiar.

I have 2 small BoD's I think might be worth half a shit, and I figured I would ask those who know.

20 exceptional shadow helmets


20 exceptional shadow plate chests

Both of them I'm sure go to the same set and the end reward is 120 BS PS.


Much appreciated.


Depends on what you value a 120 BS at and how fast you want to move them. +20 Blacksmith PS appear to have been selling anywhere between 1 million and 1.4 million in the last couple weeks. You could sell for 70k and it would move quickly. You could also probably get somewhat more if you want to price it a little more aggressively. Another reputable BOD seller is currently selling a 15X EQ Copper Plate Gloves for 135k. I would feel that is a fair price as well as both LBOD are 6 pieces and both receive a +20 PS.

I would be interested in the 20X EQ Shadow Plate Tunic if you do decide to sell. Please let me know if you decide to put it up for sale.


100-135k each.

Take no less.

If the helmet deeds aren't plate helms they are worth very little, they give you a 90% shot at powder of fortifying and only a 10% crack at a hued anvil which no one will make a good offer on.

20X is the least desirable count for shadow female/helm/shield deeds due to resource consumption.