Search results

  1. K

    WTS Double Strike relic

  2. K


  3. K

    WTS Blood Fork(SOLD)

    GroundRex congrats you've wonnnn!
  4. K

    WTS Blood Fork(SOLD)

    Think this has gone on long enough... going to end this in three hours
  5. K

    WTS +3 Armor Patch Outer Torso

  6. K

    WTS Blood Fork(SOLD)

    Final Bump
  7. K

    WTS Blood Fork(SOLD)

    War fork hue 2117 S/B 250k Ends 24h after last bid
  8. K

    WTS +3 Armor Patch Outer Torso

  9. K

    WTS +3 Armor Patch Outer Torso

    S/B 4mil B/O 5mil will end 24 hours after last bid posted
  10. K

    WTS *SOLD*

  11. K

    WTS 18x16 on dagger island

  12. K

    WTS 0,1 Taming SS's

    sure how many you have
  13. K

    WTS 0,1 Taming SS's

    i will buy them
  14. K

    WTS Creepy Portrait 350k! SOLD

    SOLD! to a very tough negotiator!
  15. K

    WTS 120 carpentry & 120 blacksmith SOLD

    I would do that but im not going to renege on a deal already made. If it is not picked up tonight I will contact you :)
  16. K

    WTS Creepy Portrait 350k! SOLD

    As the title says!
  17. K

    WTS 120 carpentry & 120 blacksmith SOLD

    thats 11 my time i can be on i think if i dont poass out