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  1. X

    The red blue balance

    That works but it doesn't force reds to play their characters in order to pay the bounty. The idea was to hopefully keep reds playing as reds and eliminate the need for a farming blue slot on every account.
  2. X

    The red blue balance

    If it became a problem, there are a few solutions that could resolve this. Off the top of my head, a new rune type could be created that costs substantially more and allows a one time recall out of a dungeon before it destroys itself. I'm all for additional gold sinks. Still, I like the idea of...
  3. X

    The red blue balance

    Can you clarify the blue tamer point? Are you saying blue tamers could tear through a dungeon and clean out reds? Thanks!
  4. X

    The red blue balance

    You're correct. It would most likely force red players to group together for dungeon ganks; however the reward for a blues hunting them is huge. The idea is to shift the reward for killing reds. Claiming the head of a red could be the equivalent to spending all day in a dungeon killing tier 1...
  5. X

    The red blue balance

    Why would anyone kill themselves to go back to 10% stat loss and be required to resacrafice all of the gold they just worked off (by killing more dungeon monsters)? Think about it for a bit. They gain nothing from turning in their head other than playing with perm stat loss should they continue...
  6. X

    The red blue balance

    Thanks. I was hoping to hash the idea out in here until the idea has been vetted\solidified. I'm more interested in what the community thinks of the mechanic.
  7. X

    The red blue balance

    I'm new here but I think the solution to the blue\blue "problem" is simple. Before anyone goes on a Trammy rampage, I'm playing here because there are PKs. Having said that, PKing should be hard because the reward for doing it well is huge. Also if reds don't have enough blues to kill, the...