Search results

  1. S

    Any Great Lakes Players?

    I spent a lot of time playing there back in the day. Was wondering if any old GL players were playing on this server. Some of my char names that I still remember... Gorgon MN ObNoxious Hector Spectre Technical Hopefully there will be a few!
  2. S

    Selling a couple if items

    1 light if lord Brit - 100k 1 air ele statue that looks like an air ele - 150k Thanks
  3. S

    Selling Air Elemental Statuette

    Sorry that is way too low. Thanks though.
  4. S

    Selling Air Elemental Statuette

    Selling an Air Elemental Statuette. This is one of the ones that actually looks like an air elemental. Post here with your offer.
  5. S

    Air Elemental statuette

    Anyone know how much it's worth?