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    selling 1000 donation coins let me know when you can be at brit bank docs and ill be there.
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    Selling 13 x 16 plot next to Dungeon Hythloth SOLD to Poon Doctor

    I have spoken to Poon Doctor I believe he is buying the plot so this auction might be closing once I get a reply
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    Selling 13 x 16 plot next to Dungeon Hythloth SOLD to Poon Doctor

    I haven't heard nothing back from Poon Doctor so I still want to let everyone know its still for sale. Asking price is 500k buy out. This is a great plot.
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    Selling 13 x 16 plot next to Dungeon Hythloth SOLD to Poon Doctor

    I do apologize I am unfamiliar with the games monetary system and yes I will except your offer give me a time you can be on and we can make the exchange Poon Doctor. And thank you Milkyfeet for the info
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    Selling 13 x 16 plot next to Dungeon Hythloth SOLD to Poon Doctor

    I apologize but I don't have any use for donation coins and the lowest I am willing to go is 450,000 but it looks like since it hasn't sold yet I will keep it up till I get a minimum bid of 450k which was lower then I originally wanted to get of 500k. But since that was the highest bid I am...
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    Selling 13 x 16 plot next to Dungeon Hythloth SOLD to Poon Doctor

    I also wanted to mention this might be able to put down a 14 x 16 looking from one side it should be possible but im not sure don't want to test it. But so far your the only post so far.
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    Selling 13 x 16 plot next to Dungeon Hythloth SOLD to Poon Doctor

    so far 450 is all thats been offered I would like to let it run for 24 hrs. But I would deffinently want to get 500k for it. but we will see it might do 450 if that all it brings.
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    Selling ice white fishing net and blue fishing net

    Im looking to get a total of 65k for both if separated 30 for white and 45 for blue
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    Selling 13 x 16 plot next to Dungeon Hythloth SOLD to Poon Doctor

    I am selling this great plot next to dungeon Hythloth. This would be a great house to mine out of or vend or anything you might want. If interested reply to the post and see if we can deal I have seen houses like this sell in terrible locations for upwards of 500k with a terrible location. I...
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    Taxidermy kit

    Is it possible to put in taxidermy kit? You would be able to buy them from a carpenter shop and you could make a polar bear trophy big fish trophy etc..