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  1. T

    Swapping a Complete Christmas bag for an Ethy...

    Trade has been made... Thank You
  2. T

    Swapping a Complete Christmas bag for an Ethy...

    The bag has all items including unused gift card.... Trading it for an ethy llama/horse or even 1k dono coins... PM me..
  3. T

    Server laging or is it just me?

    Yep i been rubber banding hard for pretty much the last week :(
  4. T

    Character freezing/hitting wall

    Yep same here im from Australia so my lags pretty bad but this 'rubber banding' has been happening to me severly lately and it only has been happening around about a week tops. I was thinking the same thing that it was server side lag as ive also played alot of different UO servers n havnt...