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  1. SecretJ

    Recommend a populist Vote to change Dexxers

    Been called a psychopath in a polite way is arguably the best insult on the thread thus far; and yet still falls flat of the other highlights --- between being told 'how to play' and on numerous questions having to deal with quite possibly the poorest readers. that said; I'd hope to one day be...
  2. SecretJ

    Recommend a populist Vote to change Dexxers

    View: 28 minutes in actually hits home, on an all too personal note for the people that i actually care to defend with this change. but, it literally takes 2 minutes for this to come to a conclusion. the rest of the video is negligible, but i...
  3. SecretJ

    Recommend a populist Vote to change Dexxers

    Macing Stamina drain is now calculated with the formula damage/2*.7 (up from a flat 3 stam drained per hit). that's the only mention of a stamina change on this publish in relation to stamina, still not accounting for the larger picture of total hp loss on stam loss; stam loss applicable to...
  4. SecretJ

    Recommend a populist Vote to change Dexxers

    Thanks, and I'll take the sarcasm with it; and a serving of cheese and wine. ================================================== View: ================================================== video linked shows the server as of February 2014 where in fact...
  5. SecretJ

    Recommend a populist Vote to change Dexxers

    'restricted to' mace weapons
  6. SecretJ

    Recommend a populist Vote to change Dexxers

    hm, thanks for backing me in the sense of the validity of a gm asking me to report it here, as far as being defensive ~~ as I told you ---"thanks for not bothering to address the problem." :)
  7. SecretJ

    Recommend a populist Vote to change Dexxers

    Your swing rate or firing rate with all weapons is now dependent on your current stamina, instead of your dexterity. that was as of feb 1999 post
  8. SecretJ

    Recommend a populist Vote to change Dexxers

    and i guess since you're not too great at reading, i'll help you. ctrl+f stamina The bonus for damaging armor and lowering stamina will now be restricted to the following mace weapons: Mace War Mace War Hammer War Axe Hammer Pick Club Maul Wands, staves, and smith hammers will not damage...
  9. SecretJ

    Recommend a populist Vote to change Dexxers

    Video or it didn't happen, it could only potentially happen to a nude character, i enjoy the hyperbole though
  10. SecretJ

    Recommend a populist Vote to change Dexxers

    as far as falsely representing a gm, lol. it's an issue of public opinion on whether or not stamina should be linked to hp; case and example can be observed even in pve; when you reach a critical amount of life loss, you are effectively stamina-less, go hunting without total refresh potions...
  11. SecretJ

    Recommend a populist Vote to change Dexxers

    i'll take that in video
  12. SecretJ

    Recommend a populist Vote to change Dexxers

    We all know the land of sosaria is ruled by mages, and in particular those that roam in packs. (long winded ***** short!....) there is one huge problem with dexxing as it is. Era accurate? Home boy, not even! In the days of UO:R which I played, dex loss was negligble, in fact 9/10 you hardly...