Search results

  1. S

    Craftable Fireplace from OSI

    On OSI I remember I could craft a fireplace, as well as an oven. Can we return this capability to the carpentry menu? The OSI one did not have the stone tiles in front of it, it was basically the same two tiles as the stone oven but was the fireplace pictured on the left.
  2. S

    WTB WTB 5x Carpentry Skill Scrolls

    WTB 5x Carpentry Skill Scrolls. I've bought 35 of them from vendors ranging from 1.5k to 4k and have already hit GM. I just bumped to 105, and want to get 5 more, but the vendors are bought out. Please, only PM with reasonable prices. Best contact source is Spinnacus on IRC.
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    Light of Lord British Torch (x2) & Blood Red Cloth

    WTS 2x Light of Lord British Torches and Blood Red Cloth. Prices are based off of best price on other vendors -5k. If you prefer to trade at docks, or negotiate a trade or price, please PM Spinnacus on IRC.
  4. S

    WTS 2x Lord British Torches

    WTS 2x Light of Lord British torches or trade for Animal Taming scrolls. PM with reasonable offer. You can PM Spinnacus on IRC
  5. S

    House bans on character vs account.

    It would be nice if we could ban individual characters and not whole accounts. For example, I may want to ban a PK that's at my home, however I still want his alts to be able to buy from my shop. Perhpas give owners an option they can set in the house sign menu that bans are character or account...
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    Flagging for PvP & PvP Balancing

    I think it's ridiculous that a player that is just trying to craft, has no weapons or reagents on them, has to deal with so many PKers. So many times my characters that are unarmed and unarmored get senselessly mowed down, not only by reds, but by blues that don't have 5 counts yet. Even worse...
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    Possible New Items

    - Portable Forges - Braziers that can be taken with miners to smelt ore on the move. Perhaps have it so that it is only hot enough to smelt iron or other low end ores, but not hot enough to smelt the higher end ores. - Lamp Posts/Tall Candelabras - Basically more craftable house decoration...
  8. S

    Remove Trammel Zones

    What originally brought me to this server was the advertisement of "No Trammel". Trammel, of course, being the replicant world of warm fuzzy feelings, gumdrops, and group hugs. The original appeal of UO, that was lost when Trammel was created on OSI, was the darker side of MMO. That feeling you...