Search results

  1. Lordomatic

    WTS Talisman XP Relic - SOLD

    I have a Talisman XP Relic 79 Minutes, expires 4/17/2018 12:28:31 AM Any offers? Shylok
  2. Lordomatic

    WTS Ratman MOTM Spellbook (Not Blessed)

    Hi! This is my first sell post so please be patient. :) I'd like to sell my Ratman MOTM Spellbook. Starting Bid: 200K Increments: 5K Buyout: 350K
  3. Lordomatic

    PC Black Spellbook (unblessed)

    Hey I picked this up some time ago during an invasion event. Just wondering, what is it worth? Is it rare? First time I've ever seen one but I mostly stick to low level mobs so what do I know? :D If I click it it just says: Spellbook 0 Spells Thanks!
  4. Lordomatic

    WTB Repond Katana

    Hey all, I'm looking for Repond Katana(s). Thanks! Shylok
  5. Lordomatic

    Old player returns

    Hey there, My main is Shylok. I used to play on Atlantic and then Siege (as Shylok - Merchant of Vesper). I have to say the community here is very different from the old days and I like it! Shylok