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  1. Brun

    The Official UO Forever Real Life Picture Thread!

  2. Brun

    Pacific or Siege Perilous?

    No other PAGs here though. Me am le sad. WHERE'S WYDSTRIN?!?!
  3. Brun

    Pacific or Siege Perilous?

    I think I remember you! Damn old age+years of hemp...
  4. Brun

    Monsters with backpacks and pouches.

    I only collect blank scrolls from them, and only cause I'm still a newblet. It's good stuff for newbs, but I think it doesn't fit.
  5. Brun

    Need surviving advice!

    Read, study, and know Sun Tzu's Art of War. The Art of War The Art of War Wikipedia article
  6. Brun

    The Official UO Forever Real Life Picture Thread!

    At the park Sleeping with the Irish Setter THE MAGUS!
  7. Brun

    The Official UO Forever Real Life Picture Thread!

    Isn't this you actually?
  8. Brun

    Leaving UO. Giving away all my stuff.

    FYI, he took that from a POE SITE. He may think he's being a Poe here, but since this ISN'T A FORUM THAT HAS ANYTHING TO DO WITH RELIGION, he just comes across as an ass, since he is deliberately trying to start problems.
  9. Brun

    Need surviving advice!

    SRS is just 'serious' or 'seriously' Wrestling will help with disruption or (EVAL+ANAT/2) though I suspect you don't have/want those. Protection reduces disruption chance by half, and with GM scribe, 1/8 chance of disruption. If you've no defensive wrestling, expect to get interrupted a lot...
  10. Brun

    Need surviving advice!

    Try to cast it again. It will say (i think) "This spell will not adhere to you at this time." Hmm, now I think it will tell you that if you have Prot, RA, *OR* MR up... I'm at work, can't check now. You can always dispel yourself then re-cast it.
  11. Brun

    Need surviving advice!

    Magic Reflect + Recall macro. Keep your eyes open, if you see anyone else (even blues), be prepared to bolt. Reflect lasts until it is used up or you dispel it. Same with reactive armor. Protection lasts 2 minutes. Pots, maybe a couple cures and heals to use until you can recall away. Don't...
  12. Brun

    Suggestion: Add in a few new weapons?

    Slings. Fast, 1H archery weapong, low damage, no ammo, kinda like a dagger. They were in every other Ultima game ever. =[ No assets exist for it though afaik.
  13. Brun

    Leaving UO. Giving away all my stuff.

    I was gone for years, never thought I'd have that itching to ebolt people to death again... be ebolted to death again... but alas, it never goes away.
  14. Brun

    Ok, who broke Double Mining?

    Everything is worth what its purchaser will pay for it. Overpriced is relative. You can make a momentary statement that it is, as they are still for sale. As soon as someone buys any, it is no longer overpriced. Blech, sorry, bored @ work. I hate PowerPoint!
  15. Brun

    Rose of Trinsic

    Everything is worth what its purchaser will pay for it.
  16. Brun

    Detroit meet/piss up May 23

    Give my love to the D, I grew up there but am in Chi-town now. Used to live on the eastside of the city... good times. Someone even stole my TOILET, FURNACE, and HOT WATER HEATER once. LOL Oh, Detroit! I've got friends who'll be at the movement. P'haps I can get the girl and the dog to make a...
  17. Brun

    Pacific or Siege Perilous?

    I know there is no Necromancy on OU:F but I is haxxor. OH HAI ALL, I'm newb on UO:F! I was on Siege from 98-2003ish? I was Brun of PAG (Perilous Adventurer's guild) 8=X (Pirate guild) TP (Twisted Path, we ran the maze) Tunchii? I don't remember you from PAG? What name weere you?