whats up guys i really need help. i'm not able to find any post that talk about that macro.
i want to raise up blacksmith but when i crate alot of item like kryss for exemple, i need to smelt them one by one to get back my ingots. i know there exist any macro to smelt them automatic but i d'ont...
Hey guys i started training blackamith and i would like to know if there any tricks to know to help me smelt my creation to get back my mats. Or i need to smelt them one by one verry slowly... thanks you all
I have a little question in here. I’m pretty new and I tried to raise a thief. I just joined the thief guild and I have 100 snoop 100 stealth 100 hide 100 stealing. And I’m not able to pick pocket someone . I tried in the blacksmith crafthing area and ive been one shot lightning lol. Samething...
Hey guys i tried to make some tresor chest run and i have a verry difficulty to extract the chest from the ground. I up mining but i see also that we can have some mining glove and the jacobs pick axe ----> http://www.uoguide.com/Jacob%27s_Pickaxe
Is this quest is on in this shard ?
i guys i got my berzerker totem and i want to get a firt relic to put in every body told me that i should start whit double strike. how much gold should i get for this item &
Sup guys. I see some trhead that talk about armor set and i dont see anything that talk about those in the wiki. Wich one is lootable. Is there a place to find some information for that ? Like sigurd armor or other.
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