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    I will give you 125k
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    Enhanced Client, let's beat that dead horse good and proper

    I have not used it as I quit UO long before the KR or Enhanced Client. However I would support it based on what I have read.
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    Selling 18x18 - Grass - No Spawn - Near Labyrinth and Skara Brae

    I have not name called you. I have stated what you did and what happened. If you are dishonest I will call you such. You posted this sold and did not transfer the house to me. Fact you accepted my coins and gave me not what was promised. You have sold me nothing. I am not out 6k in coins and...
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    Selling 18x18 - Grass - No Spawn - Near Labyrinth and Skara Brae

    You know I am trying to reason with him in game and he now want's more coins because I called him out on the forums here. I am trying hard to be the bigger person and think the community will as well if he would make things right.
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    Selling 18x18 - Grass - No Spawn - Near Labyrinth and Skara Brae

    Dude just do the right thing
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    Selling 18x18 - Grass - No Spawn - Near Labyrinth and Skara Brae

    Guy just tried it again he wants more coins for the house
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    Selling 18x18 - Grass - No Spawn - Near Labyrinth and Skara Brae

    I have been here for a little over 2months. I don't get to play much due to work. Yes first time in over 10 years since I traded for a house and first time for Donation Coins
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    Selling 18x18 - Grass - No Spawn - Near Labyrinth and Skara Brae

    I did not click cancel on the house screen. All I ask is you make it right and trade the house as agreed. You can fix your rep in less than 5 minutes. Look I am an honest person. I have no reason to trash anyone nor would I unless done wrong by that person. DynoKing was there to witness and has...
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    Selling 18x18 - Grass - No Spawn - Near Labyrinth and Skara Brae

    Your rep is not gone. If you make this right people will be understanding. It is like said above you marked it sold and did not go through with the trade. I am willing to forgive if you make this right.
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    Selling 18x18 - Grass - No Spawn - Near Labyrinth and Skara Brae

    So why not come make this right and transfer the house as agreed.
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    Selling 18x18 - Grass - No Spawn - Near Labyrinth and Skara Brae

    Like I said I will retract the statements and edit every thing out . If you will trade the house as agreed.
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    Selling 18x18 - Grass - No Spawn - Near Labyrinth and Skara Brae

    Trust me strawberry I will be.
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    Selling 18x18 - Grass - No Spawn - Near Labyrinth and Skara Brae

    Like I said lesson learned. Does not make him not a scammer or honest person. I am at the house right now and will re-track my statements if he will trade the house as promised.
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    Selling lichman and lizardman costumes

    See Thread .
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    Selling 18x18 - Grass - No Spawn - Near Labyrinth and Skara Brae

    However lessons learned. He still is dishonest and a scammer
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    Selling 18x18 - Grass - No Spawn - Near Labyrinth and Skara Brae

    I am not a moron. Perhaps it has been almost 10 years since I played this game
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    Selling 18x18 - Grass - No Spawn - Near Labyrinth and Skara Brae

    No you had the house trade window open and I clicked ok. and then click the coins. You cancelled.
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    Selling lichman and lizardman costumes

    THIS GUY IS A SCAMMER. He did not Trade his house as promised. . He Scammed me out of Donation Coins.
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    Selling 18x18 - Grass - No Spawn - Near Labyrinth and Skara Brae

    THIS GUY IS A SCAMMER. He did not Trade his house as promised. He Scammed me out of Donation Coins.