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  1. F

    Fix overpowered armour k thanks

    if iam attack blue iam dont wait low hp
  2. F

    Fix overpowered armour k thanks

    and this is balance? only fight in dungeon and wait balron fs on enemy?
  3. F

    WTB -

  4. F

    Fix overpowered armour k thanks

    dexer good only vs pvm char or ***** pvp char try kill god mage if mage with good armor
  5. F

    Fix overpowered armour k thanks

    dexer vs 2 gm View:
  6. F

    Fix overpowered armour k thanks

    before AR changes i can kill people without exp pot(only finish) now cant kill no one without all time throwing exp pot this is balance?it is a joke! gm just killing dexer it is true all dexer must die i am pure dexer on 3th generation You kill pvp for me on this serv :(( i am cry
  7. F

    Fix overpowered armour k thanks

    I'm tired from this benny hill pvp and broken ar system i am stop playing my dexer
  8. F

    Fix overpowered armour k thanks

    Valorite weapons BEST WEAPONS EVER CREATED BUT WEAPONS SHIT This epic lol
  9. F

    Fix overpowered armour k thanks

    fixed?lol NOW broken you tried play dexer?
  10. F

    Fix overpowered armour k thanks

    i am suppose gm trying kill all dexers need dice damage or range damage and GOOD OLD AR SYSTEM hit vs piece of armor
  11. F

    WTB -

    paying well
  12. F

    WTB -

  13. F

    Dexterity and swing speed

    It is true but some weapon don't have 4 lvl ss
  14. F

    WTB -

  15. F

    Dexterity and swing speed

    kryss have only 3 lvl ss war fork have 4 lvl ss short spear have 3 lvl ss kryss and short spear fastest weapons and have only 3 lvl ss
  16. F

    Dexterity and swing speed

    not all weapons have 4lvl ss
  17. F

    Dexterity and swing speed

    you mean stam ? some weapons have 4 lvl swing speed(120stam)
  18. F

    WTS Gold Runic Hammer
