Search results

  1. F

    WTS Minax War Horse (Black) + Other Ethy Mounts

    please pic warhorse
  2. F

    WTB Spined leather 40gp

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    WTB Spined leather 40gp

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    WTS Lotto Boxes! 30k! SOLD OUT

    you lost 150k:( this happened to me too , dont worry
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    WTS Silver\Massive\Vanquishing\Exceedingly KATANA

    Awesome weapon sb 50k
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    Too many "blue" murderers

    fuck! man please stop:)) i am killed you 3 times:) you want see my tamer red?)
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    Too many "blue" murderers

    recall every time when you see blues! it can help
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    Too many "blue" murderers

    mb he use injection or easyuo auto loot script? GM!GM!GM! GUARDS! :D
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    Too many "blue" murderers

    u looting so use auto loot?
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    Too many "blue" murderers

    Kopogero_x too many dirty blue looters:))) yes?))) stop looting my monsters:)
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    VPN Abusers

    if you ban Lowerping iam stop play on this shard Lowerping is last chance to good ping for me... IDK why my ping so hight on this server without lowerping i have terrible lag:( but is only on uoforever.... on another usa shard have good ping i think problem in bad host or bad script on server
  12. F

    Poison/PvP question

    1)only 1 handed weapons(fenc and sword) can be poisoned 2)alchemy need for extra damage exp potion,exp pot best finisher 3)no need magery for recall,just put in runebook recall scrolls and u can recall with 0 magery
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    Noobs help 30k

    last 2 check....
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    Noobs help 30k

    no man:)))
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    Noobs help 30k

    thx Dwyane 2 noobs get some money
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    PC on empty Kegs and Easter Baskets

    kegs 400-500gp basket 30-50k
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    Noobs help 30k

    1 noob get 30k....:)