Search results

  1. Itsfreerealestate

    WTB Chicken Statue

    Please send a message here or disc Greasi#5471 Will also trade for it, and open to a different color but would prefer a normal hue chicken.
  2. Itsfreerealestate

    Nerf ThankGiving Turkeys a litle bit

    They are too hard to kill I get the joke haha little turkeys are kicking my ass but Im GM mage and I cant put a dent in these guys, I cant spam summonables because they can chain dispell. Oh well. Maybe next year.
  3. Itsfreerealestate

    WTS n/a

  4. Itsfreerealestate

    WTS 11x14 Close to Yew Moongate and Crypts 325K SOLD

    1438 Storage -- Great starter home! Will take 325K will also take 1k dono coins at 170K Contact Greasi#5471
  5. Itsfreerealestate

    WTS Quiet Villa next to mountain/water/hylthloth/blue healer 350K or 2k Dono SOLD

    Will take 350K or 2K Dono coins Contact Greasi#5471
  6. Itsfreerealestate

    WTS Quiet 8x11 mining house mine from your porch 300K SOLD

    I sure am you can contact me at Greasi#5471
  7. Itsfreerealestate

    Please let us hold runebooks and cast spells

    I mean what im asking is if we can please hold runebooks and still cast spells if we have full spellbooks in our inventory so we can dye runebooks to go with our outfits
  8. Itsfreerealestate

    Please let us hold runebooks and cast spells

    Please I would like to have a "dyed" spellbook, the red spellbook just clashes with almost every outfit thank you kindly
  9. Itsfreerealestate

    WTS Quiet 8x11 mining house mine from your porch 300K SOLD

    Will take 1k dono coins in exchange for 170K Contact Greasi#5471
  10. Itsfreerealestate

    WTS Quiet Sandstone Mining House 350k SOLD

    Hi I haven't received a message yet