Search results

  1. Alas

    Provo Fisherman Template

    Oh, so the tamers have to choose lore or taming.. or drop another skill. Interesting.
  2. Alas

    Provo Fisherman Template

    Toots why would you have to drop magery down to 90? I thought using a PS increased that skills cap, doesn't effect the original total of 700 points. Let me know if I am wrong.
  3. Alas

    WTS Custom Home in Brit Farmlands

    Still available? Pics don't work.
  4. Alas

    WTS 12x17 Secluded Plot Near Ice Dungeon 300k sb

    This still available?
  5. Alas

    Lockpicking and detect hidden questions

    Anyone have a tinker at the 75 mark?
  6. Alas

    WTS 115 LJ 60k

    Will buy.
  7. Alas

    WTS SS & evil mage statuette

    will take 110 tailoring PS
  8. Alas

    Can provide the rune books for banks, dung enterance, and mage shops. All for 50k. Can deliver...

    Can provide the rune books for banks, dung enterance, and mage shops. All for 50k. Can deliver Monday at latest.
  9. Alas

    WTS Lots of Powerscrolls, Skill Scrolls, and T-Maps

    Will take the lvl 2 Tmaps for 17k -
  10. Alas

    WTB Lockpicking Chest

    If you buy carp and tinkering skills you can make the boxes and it will take you to 72. Just did it. Made 20 boxes and a key ring.
  11. Alas

    FIRE SALE - Taking a break from the game, selling everything. First sales going to happen tomorrow

    i will give the 20k for the boards if still available.
  12. Alas

    WTS lots of Skill scrolls and 105 power scrolls

    12k for the lumberjacking ss's
  13. Alas

    WTS Selling lots of things!

    50k for exp and adp tmaps.
  14. Alas

    WTS Battle Born Hair Dye - 435k

    I have still have it, sorry it took so long. Let me know if you still want it.
  15. Alas

    WTS Powerscrolls and MORE!

    Will take the tailoring tinkering and carp 105s.
  16. Alas

    WTS Battle Born Hair Dye - 435k

    This is the Blood Red from the last event.
  17. Alas

    WTS Battle Born Hair Dye - 435k

    Selling Event Reward. Battle Born Hair Dye - 435k
  18. Alas


    Is there a place, forgive me if I just didn't look hard enough, that has the pros and cons. I see pictures where it looks like the trees are cut down. I figured it was a filter and I haven't found it on razor yet. Thank you!
  19. Alas


    So not to sound stupid.. but what is the difference between running steam and razor? Are they the same thing, just different styles?
  20. Alas

    WTB glowing runes

    Hey Knight... I have around 20 or so. I will PM you tonight.