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    WTS 6k dono

    Selling 6k dono for 170k per 1k
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    If you could change, or add, one thing what would it be?

    Disco i would fix disco cuz its a great skill just completely useless on this shard and it allows more pve builds other then a freaking provoker and tamer.
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    meta s

    What taming do i need for onr
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    meta s

    What taming do you need for a meta pet ? And are they really the superior pet even without relics ?
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    WTB 9 tameing ss

    Buying 9 taming skill scrolls
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    WTB silver power or force kryss

    Just curious if someone was to have a silver vanq exceedly accurate kryss and a silver vanq accrate war fork What would u pay ?
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    WTS war axe

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    that deamon house still available? this is hasrsh.

    that deamon house still available? this is hasrsh.
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    WTS war axe

    Selling repond/substancial/force/accurate War axe Taking bids
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    taming pets

    Hmm if I wanted to stick to taming in dougens for better gains what woulf u recommend and qere ?
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    taming pets

    Awesome thx for the info How far can shame scorpions take me in taming? I wanna go to 75 taming there atleast But should I stay longer or should I move to another location. Any suggestions or advice will help im ready for taming to be done, if you dont want everyonw to know ur secrets a pm...
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    taming pets

    At what level can I control young dragons effectively and also tame then? Are these even good enough to kill with against so to speak dragons or daemons. And on a side note what id the best pets to farm with I would love your opinions and lets assume I am only going 100 taming since im broke...
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    Lich statues sell for 500k?
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    I got a lich for sale :)