Search results

  1. Strife

    why is the server down again

    Shit happens guys. We don't even know what happened (could be something out of the staffs hands, etc.) and the server went down during the early hours of the morning when most staff are asleep. To the people who "Donated" and expect a perfect server, you need to take your head out of your asses...
  2. Strife

    WTB Buying Meta Relics 3m/each

  3. Strife

    Old dungeon and titans desert

    Any pictures of these mobs?!?! I missed that stuff
  4. Strife

    Monster loot/donations

    Cant fault them for their interesting ways lol
  5. Strife

    WTS Treasure maps

    WTS 11 Expertly Drawn (lvl 2) T-Maps 1.5k Each 12 Adeptly Drawn (lvl 3) T-maps 2k Each.
  6. Strife

    Monster loot/donations

    exploitation of RDAs??? Elaborate please kind sir
  7. Strife

    a red white drake ?????

    Yeah that's a tough one. I am all out of ideas, not that I had many to begin with lol
  8. Strife

    WTS VERY good Dargon

    Selling brown dargon. STR = 825 (perfect) HP = 823 (2 off perfect) INT = 457 (18 off perfect). 30k!!
  9. Strife

    WTB Buying Meta Relics 3m/each

  10. Strife

    Monster loot/donations

    One of these days someone will sell me a relic. I cant even offer double their market value and find a buyer
  11. Strife

    Monster loot/donations

    Which relic and are you selling :) lol grats!
  12. Strife

    WTB Buying Meta Relics 3m/each

  13. Strife

    Do you think UO attracts newer players?

    UO is fucking awesome when your stoned lol. I die a lot more, but its worth it. Its hard to be a wizard when your sober.
  14. Strife

    WTB Buying Non-pure Night bear

    Bump still buying. Name your price.
  15. Strife

    Training your meta-pet!

    I farm my usual spots using just the pet, but I have provocation so he doesn't get hurt. I use mare/pet for paragons
  16. Strife

    Taming 100 - 105

    There is no monster specific to animal taming scrolls, rather any mob can drop any scroll. Hunt ancient wyrms, balrons, shadow daemons, shadow wyrms, ancient liches, titans, etc. These monsters will give you a good chance at a scroll, but be warned I farmed for several weeks and never saw a...
  17. Strife

    Buying WTB Lumberjacking Skill Scrolls

    How many do you need?
  18. Strife

    WTB Buying Non-pure Night bear

    Bump still looking
  19. Strife

    Training your meta-pet!

    Never mind.
  20. Strife

    people not buying anything unless...

    I don't have any complaints, but then again I enjoy the PVM aspect of the shard, which is huge compared to pvp. I do want to acknowledge Adam for all the work he did and is doing., as well as the others, Carl, Shane, etc. To everyone who reads this thread, the economy is fine. new toys were...