Search results

  1. Salmon

    Hey egor, sup? Still selling that 115 fishing PS for 85k? I want it!

    Hey egor, sup? Still selling that 115 fishing PS for 85k? I want it!
  2. Salmon

    WTS Skill Scrolls

    Hey milli... how many fishing SS you got? Do you have some tailoring SS also?
  3. Salmon

    WTS Power Scrolls

    I'll buy your 110 fishing. Add me on skype (SalmonUO) or PM me here.
  4. Salmon

    Player trapping a Lich Lord inside his house

    Just saw it near Yew's ruins, by the Lich spawn. Is this allowed here? I paged a GM as well. Oh, a Lich Lord and an Skeleton :P
  5. Salmon

    Public Runebook Problem

    Thanks again, fellas. I've just update my client to the latest patch (via UOF laucher) and miraculously worked again. Its weird, because it was working before, with my "outdated" client, so... who knows! Anyways, thanks again for your time. Hope to see you in game! :)
  6. Salmon

    Public Runebook Problem

    Thanks for replying people. Yeah, I'm standing right next to the books and I can't use them, even the ones @ Trinsic public library or big vendor's houses, like Vesper Trading Co. or the public library near Yew moonglow, for example. Just to be sure, I'll double check my position, but I'm 100%...
  7. Salmon

    Public Runebook Problem

    Hey guys! I don't know if this fits into the bug report section, because maybe I'm the only one with this issue -- I search here first, but couldn't find nothing similar. The thing is, I can't use 'public' runebooks anymore. It was fine like, a couple days ago, but since yesterday I can't set...
  8. Salmon

    Hi, Snickle. Just saw your post about recruiting for PSP. I would like to join, just came back...

    Hi, Snickle. Just saw your post about recruiting for PSP. I would like to join, just came back (2 days ago) after 10+ long years away from UO. Grinding my Arch/Mage/Prov after following your template here (Provo, Music, Archery, Tactics, Magery, Meditation, Resist Spells and Hiding). Is PSP...