Search results

  1. Killjoy-

    WTS QS Relic,Harvest Perk, Pet XP Perk, ETC

    Bloodstained Necklace (unblessed) Creepy Portrait QS Relic 83min Harvest Perk Counted Title discord @postrollmaticc
  2. Killjoy-

    WTS 10x14 3 Story 350k

    Sold. DELETE
  3. Killjoy-

    WTS 10x14 3 Story 350k

    Located east of chaos 1380 Storage Disco - PosTROLLmaticc
  4. Killjoy-

    WTS +5 Armor Blue CoM Shroud, Spider Food, 110 Tinkering

    +5 Shroud - 1.5mil +3 Shroud -1mil Spider Food 130 each x2 110 Tinker 150
  5. Killjoy-

    WTB Naked or Armored Swampy

    Naked - 1mil Armored - 1.35
  6. Killjoy-

    WTS TMAP Full Library

    185k Disco - PosTROLLmaticc
  7. Killjoy-

    WTS Pet XP Perk 165mins

    SOLD - Delete
  8. Killjoy-

    WTS Anchors x2 , TMAP Full Library

    Selling Ancient Anchor x2 1.3mil Per or Trades Equal Value Selling Full Tmap Library- Sold
  9. Killjoy-

    WTB CBD Deeds Animal Taming SS

    Looking to buy 4 CBDS 660k 2 Taming SS @ 275k per Disco- PosTROLLmaticc
  10. Killjoy-

    WTB Meta Stone 2.3mil

    Discord- PosTROLLmaticc
  11. Killjoy-

    WTS White Skull, Ancient Anchors, Paralytic Venom Relic , RDA Frag

    Selling Ancient Anchorx2 1.3mil Per or Trades Equal Value
  12. Killjoy-

    WTB Season 2 silver

    35gp per need 9k PST me with your discord name
  13. Killjoy-

    WARNING! All items can be stolen.

    You're title is donation items can be stolen. They cannot, your dono items weren't stolen the bag you put them in was stolen.
  14. Killjoy-

    WARNING! All items can be stolen.

    Placing blessed items into a bag other than your backpack, has always been stealable even on OSI.
  15. Killjoy-

    WTB Lvl 5 Tmaps in Bulk And MIBS

    of which?
  16. Killjoy-

    WTS Paralytic Venom Relic, 110 Carpentry, Ancient Anchor

    Paralytic relic - 200k 110 Carp - 70k Ancient Anchor - Offer
  17. Killjoy-

    WTB Lvl 5 Tmaps in Bulk And MIBS

    Paying 5.5k Per lvl 5 3k Per MIB
  18. Killjoy-

    WTS 5k Faction Silver 35g per

    5k Silver 35k per Firm Discord- Skiptomylou
  19. Killjoy-

    WTS Booger Paint

    Send offers