Search results

  1. Coorhagen

    Cellar Layouts

    Did the price of cellar deeds go up? I thought they used to be 1,000,000 gold but recently when I checked the vendor, they were at 3,000,000 gold.
  2. Coorhagen

    Whats your Favorite UO Memory?

    Probably not my favorite memory but I remember back in 1998 when I was a complete noob being near the mountains of Destard. I was walking around when I met someone and I said something like "Hi i'm new, do you want to look around together?" and he said something like "naw i'm a murderer" and he...
  3. Coorhagen

    Useless Suggestion Thread

    Make small animals like rabbits and chickens run away from you instead of towards you when you attack them.
  4. Coorhagen

    Place items near the door

    I do that too but it costs 20,000 just to accomplish it because it's 10,000 to remove the door and another 10,000 to put it back on. Also, it sometimes puts items that I had moved up with the interior decorator into a moving crate.
  5. Coorhagen

    Place items near the door

    Idea: Let us place deed items near the doors in our homes. Why: It makes it easier for us to decorate our homes the way we want them.
  6. Coorhagen

    WTS Sold

    Thanks! I'm happy with this new location!
  7. Coorhagen

    WTS Sold

    Sounds good, i'll be on a little later tonight.
  8. Coorhagen

    WTS Sold

    I'll buy it, 225k.
  9. Coorhagen

    The Privateer's Museum of Ocean Rarities Now Open to the Public!

    How did you get the aquarium? Was it a donation item?
  10. Coorhagen

    My Humble Home

  11. Coorhagen

    What is your favorite in-game city or "hometown"?

    Mine is Serpent's Hold because back in the dial up days (probably 1998) I had my very first in game house on the island just up the coast from the bank. I even remember gating a lot of monsters from Hyloth to the island back when you were able to do that and I remember even trapping a ratman in...
  12. Coorhagen

    Honestly will be shocked if Staff follows through on this.

    This looks like an attempt to derail a thread by throwing in some political view point.
  13. Coorhagen

    Honestly will be shocked if Staff follows through on this.

    I did play back in 1998 and I always assumed that the griefers and shit talking players were kids who were being bullied in school. I was around 15 at the time and I assumed everyone else was too. I admit that I find it disturbing when I see people today, who I assume are in their late 20s to...
  14. Coorhagen

    working so much

    You can give me a cellar deed if you have one, i'll put it to good use.
  15. Coorhagen

    Plots into farms

    I like the idea too, I hope it gets implemented.
  16. Coorhagen

    EQMS Anniversary Contest - 1mil in prizes

    THIS IS MY CONTEST ENTRY. Let's see, I'm neutral towards your guild because I play during off hours and never really get killed by large groups or guilds. The only time I specifically remember being killed by EQMS was when they ran into my house and were quickly banned but then killed me with...
  17. Coorhagen

    Imminent domain?

    This is a good question..... Has there ever been an idea from the suggestions board that was implemented in the game?
  18. Coorhagen

    Imminent domain?

    How about taking those unused and undeveloped (but always refreshed) houses away from those players after a certain time period? I'm not talking about ugly or badly designed houses, i'm only talking about the empty plots that have been unused for months and even years that are just taking up space.
  19. Coorhagen

    WTS 11x14 300k plot also fits classic 2 story L shape

    It's slower and there have been plenty of people (me included) who just demolished their plots when no one bought them.
  20. Coorhagen

    plot hoarders?

    Has anyone come across people who have plots but flat out aren't using them and refuse to sell them? Without being too specific...I have a small house on an island and I noticed that there was a 7x7 plot with walls but absolutely nothing else in it on the same screen. I noticed for a couple of...