Just keep doing and adding to the community the way you do, you are a valuable addition no matter what guild you are in.
Your guild does not define you but your behavior does.
Well....where I live is the growers capital in Calif. it is just the culture up here. Everyone uses cash, you whip out a debit card or cc @ the store and people stare at you.
It drives our economy. I...
Compliments are rarely given out by me, I always give credit where credit is do, but I would say in all of my postings over the last years, maybe I have done that one other time.
You have so many good ideas and care so much ,They need people like you to staff...I am neutral, blunt and honest.
I have to say you have one of the most interesting and brightest minds to post on the forums, there are 3 others that are equally endowed. I wish there were more like you.
3.9 GPA, and I find it weird that you know what I look like, and I have absolutely no idea what you look like,nor do I care :p
I bet money he can't resist a reply.
You can insult me all you like..I do not get my sense of self worth from a game or gamer boys. As for attacking you or making a personal insult. I said your behavior was childish.
Your @Darkarna was akin to a child sticking his tongue out at someone they do not like...therefor childish.
If you...
I honestly do not believe it has anything at all to do with e-pride...have you or anyone here ever asked why they are afraid to pvp? I think as silly as it sounds it is fear based. Fear of losing shit, fear of not knowing how to pvp, fear of asking for help to learn pvp. and other assorted shit...
Ryan Reynolds may not be funny ,but that ass tho....
people sense of humor, I think this was tongue in cheek......
Darkarna .....Noooooooooooooo, no Darkpool....Did you ever love a girl but her feet were wreaked :(
You are perfect as Darkarna :(
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