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    bought ty
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    WTB a rusted dagger

    WTB a rusted dagger (blessed donation dagger) pm SamsaraHermit on IRC or post/msg me here
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    WTS Random Skill Scrolls

    hey i'm online still ended up pvping lol, you around?
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    WTS Random Skill Scrolls

    np I just saw this sry heading to bed now, but i will hold on to them for you
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    WTS Random Skill Scrolls

    lowered prices ^
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    WTS Random Skill Scrolls

    2x Fishing @ 4.5k ea 2x Lockpicking - sold @ 25k ea 9x Carpentry - sold @ 6.5k ea update: will take any reasonable offers at all for the following 3x Provocation - sold @ 5k ea 3x Hiding 1x Stealthing 1x Stealing 3x Macing 1x Parry 1x Wrestling 3x Eval-Int 2x Archery 1x Fletching 1x...
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    WTB 1109 wizard hat

    bought thanks :)
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    WTB 1109 wizard hat

    WTB 1109 evil mage hue wizard hat, can be blessed or unblessed leave price here or pm me on forum or irc @ SamsaraHermit
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    WTS blessed cloth ect !!

    how much for evil mage wiz hat?
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    WTB Ice white half apron

    you online atm?
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    WTB Ice white half apron

    looking to buy an ice white half apron blessed or unblessed doesn't particularly matter please leave a price here thx
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    WTS Mounted Pixie Champion Artifact + Statues

    I was stuck in an extended dungeon fight hehe I just finished up and I'm in-front of you now on samsara :)
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    WTS Mounted Pixie Champion Artifact + Statues

    I'd be willing to part with it for 400k. If you're interested I'm online now and ready to trade at a convenient time for you.
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    WTS Mounted Pixie Champion Artifact + Statues

    lol well as interesting as this discussion was it would be lovely if we could keep this on topic please 250k is a little lower than I'm looking to sell the pixie for atm thanks for the offer though
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    WTS Mounted Pixie Champion Artifact + Statues

    I'm looking to sell the following items quickly, will be accepting basically any reasonable offers. Will be monitoring this thread for the next 8+ hours today and will respond fast. Mounted Pixie Champion Artifact 2x Carpentry Skill Scroll 1x Poisoning Skill Scroll 1x Lich Lord...
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    Mounted Pixie Champion Artifact

    Hey guys looking to sell this mounted pixie artifact anybody have any idea as to how much this is worth or willing to make an offer? thanks