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    Best Spells (Hotkeyed)

    those are the spells, and the best keys to use them on. its cute that you pretend you dont F-Key your codex but this forum is for helping
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    Best Spells (Hotkeyed)

    Codex of Wisdom = all F keys, F1-F12 Open Door = Q,W,E,R,T,Y,U,I,O,P
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    Moving from razor to steam

    sorry i meant "yes several ways"
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    General question

    plus you can make bank selling world maps on a vendor
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    Red Summons and Pets

    do you ever wonder why everyone else is better at UO than you?
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    Red Summons and Pets

    learn how to macro
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    Can't connect after update.

    pour a small glass of water over your computer then turn it on and off
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    Can't connect after update.

    works in aussie, keep that keyboard extra moist
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    Can't connect after update.

    Have you tried moistening your keyboard?
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    Stealth not classic. Would you like to see it gone?

    tinker trapped box. It's not hard
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    Stealth not classic. Would you like to see it gone?

    We should just get rid of all skills and just stand around and talk and get to know each other better, except it's in UO
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    Stealth not classic. Would you like to see it gone?

    I'd like to see Spirit Speak gone. Don't like people eavesdropping on my ghost conversations
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    F1 = Codex of Wisdom?

    You play WITHOUT a Codex of Wisdom macro?!?!?
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    F1 = Codex of Wisdom?

    Well what key do you use for your codex of wisdom then?
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    New wood+Fletching

    maybe you should just buy it at a better price from people cheating to get it and not waste your time lumberjacking lol
  16. B

    Fire Field - Damage

    Should be able to cook on it too
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    Is there a timetable for changing servers, or can you please just change back?

    You should move the server to Australia, I think it would be good for me and almost all other players that are me