Search results

  1. Diesel von dik

    WTS Poop Brown Drag Egg

    Geez 650k
  2. Diesel von dik

    WTS Poop Brown Drag Egg

    Snaked. .. 600k :p
  3. Diesel von dik

    WTS Poop Brown Drag Egg

    Lol, I'm buying for a friend that is colorblind. ..
  4. Diesel von dik

    WTS Poop Brown Drag Egg

    S/b !
  5. Diesel von dik

    WTS 2655 hue dragon egg

    750k bid
  6. Diesel von dik

    WTS PW Leather Skirt

  7. Diesel von dik

    WTB vanq/power/repond kats

    Pm sent
  8. Diesel von dik


    BOD vendor located at Vesper Trading CO. New store across the road vendor is named BODS AND WARES he has page after page of very affordable bods, go check it out
  9. Diesel von dik

    power crystals from betrayer in hyloth

    thanks for the reply!
  10. Diesel von dik

    WTS Dur surp acc KATANA OF VANQ

    Bidding will end in 5 hours :)
  11. Diesel von dik

    WTS Powerscrolls

    Pm sent
  12. Diesel von dik

    WTS PW Leather Skirt

    Bump, buy this pure white wearable! !
  13. Diesel von dik

    WTS Dur surp acc KATANA OF VANQ

    BRAND NEW +10 vanq KATANA taking bids 24 hour auction Bid here
  14. Diesel von dik

    WTS 120 lore

    How much fire cloth do you have left?
  15. Diesel von dik

    WTS PW Leather Skirt

  16. Diesel von dik

    WTS PW Leather Skirt

    Selling a pure white leather skirt. It was on the donation vendor and currently not available (was 7k dono) 700k !!!!!!! Buy this rare old dono item...
  17. Diesel von dik

    WTS Selling Dedicated Bandana(Blessed)

    I have some really nice unused bows, if/when i can get logged on the game i will send you a message
  18. Diesel von dik

    power crystals from betrayer in hyloth

    anyone know the going rate on these? and/or what they are used for specifically, i appreciate it.