Search results

  1. Beardedlady

    WTS 10x10 North Of Brit Xroads

    Nice location. If i wasn't buying another I would likely buy this, goodluck
  2. Beardedlady

    WTS Best Location Keep for sale SOLD

    LEss than 250$
  3. Beardedlady

    WTS Best Location Keep for sale SOLD

    Nice location, I used to have a keep in this exact location on Sonoma back in the day.
  4. Beardedlady

    WTS -

  5. Beardedlady

    WTS 18x18 North of Skara Brae

    Is this sold?
  6. Beardedlady

    WTB Empty Potion kegs

    I am at WBB, in front named Gilles-de-rais
  7. Beardedlady

    WTB Empty Potion kegs

    Please pm me, want to buy empty potion kegs. LF tinkerer
  8. Beardedlady

    WTS All These Skill Scrolls ^-^

    hey sorry can I grab 1 more heals, and also hiding the 5 of them , apologies/
  9. Beardedlady


    Awesome, wasn't aware . Thanks for the info. I don't think I ever ran into main Char was DARK KNIGHT aka DK, changed my name numerous times, can't remember half of them.llater named BeardedLady on Sonoma and ultimately Atlantic from 2005-2008. Was in WAR guild initially, then was with BG...
  10. Beardedlady

    WTB Bottles bulk

    please pm me.
  11. Beardedlady


    Originally played Sonoma from 98-2005 then to Atlantic for 3 years , ultimately quitting in 2008. I have never found a game to equal the greatness of original UO, and am happy to find this server.
  12. Beardedlady

    Interested in the platinum coins, please get back at me,.

    Interested in the platinum coins, please get back at me,.