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  1. V

    Poker system

    I like a third party idea if the staff doesnt want to deal with it.
  2. V

    Poker system

    I vote do away with the big poker table. I agree its terrible for someone to lose and win that much but going off of what started this thread (my complaints), i have lost a lot of gold on that table with a hand that was unbeatable because of a flaw somewhere in the scripting... that smaller...
  3. V

    Poker system

    Bongy knows
  4. V

    Poker system

    says the guy in the young players guild
  5. V

    Poker system

    Btw you suck at pvp. i saw u try to kill me at the abyss spawn when i was already at 1/4 health and you still failed. then you ran away when you were out of mana. you are terrible.
  6. V

    Poker system

    When it is just hamburgler and myself, its pretty easy to see the two hands. Im going to keep killing you afk because your just that stupid and annoying with everything you say. i know where you live and i will ruin your ultima fun.
  7. V

    Poker system

    I know you in game and youre just stupid. it isnt about losing, it is about losing with the winning hand. Imagine having the nuts flush and betting 250k (because you cant lose with the best hand possible) and then losing to a pair of jacks.
  8. V

    Poker system

    again.. i lost pair of aces to queens. honestly wtf? it was heads up
  9. V

    WTS SELLING 110 Tailoring and 110 Provo (idk was wts means)

    PM me your offers.. 110 Provo! Beep bitty beep boop!... bump.
  10. V

    WTS SELLING 110 Tailoring and 110 Provo (idk was wts means)

  11. V

    WTS SELLING 110 Tailoring and 110 Provo (idk was wts means)

    PM me if you want to buy. give me an offer, idc
  12. V

    Poker system

    YES, that is another issue. i was once big blind for 5 straight hands. luckly i was on the small table
  13. V

    Poker system

    Its B.S. Ive lost so many hands that i should've won... Like my pair of aces lost to a pair of 4s. hamburgler knows. Ive also lost with a straight to two pair. Also i jump on the big table and I have Q Q... the highest card to come out was a 10. one guy claiming he has pocket 8s... and i lose...
  14. V

    CTF Suggestions.

    Yep. I have returned
  15. V

    CTF Suggestions.

    Statue system is stupid. give the winning players a small prize to encourage people to play. also Larger teams would lead to TEAMWORK. DFI had something right
  16. V

    Errors so far with new boating system

    I was able to recall onto my boat from the key multiple times... Have you ever tried it? Also how could the boat have been sunk? I also did not have it along any shore line. I had it in a precise spot just outside of the maps (alt r +alt r) view away from an island. As for what was on it: a...
  17. V

    Errors so far with new boating system

    I have an error with the new system. I lost everything because I put all of my shit on my boat so that my other character can just gather it and transfer it into his bank. I tried this on the night/morning this whole boat system went into effect and my ship was deleted. I tried to recall back...