Search results

  1. Panduh

    Bamboo Screen? WTPC?

    Dropped out of an IDOC castle, when did they release the new stealable rares?
  2. Panduh

    Bamboo Screen? WTPC?

  3. Panduh

    Bamboo Screen? WTPC?
  4. Panduh

    WTS Recipe Scroll (an Orc Galleon Deed)

    Price set at 175k.
  5. Panduh

    WTS Recipe Scroll (an Orc Galleon Deed)

    Lets see some offers, all sensible offers will be considered.
  6. Panduh

    WTS Selling Power scrolls

    Hey Athrez this is Timbeer, i'm back from work now. PM me on IRC if you've still got those scrolls available.
  7. Panduh

    WTB 110 Mining Powerscroll

    PM or answer here.
  8. Panduh

    Still got the 110 mining?

    Still got the 110 mining?
  9. Panduh

    Hiring a miner / lumberjacker

    You wanna buy some ingots right now?
  10. Panduh

    WTS 7x7 Blocking Tower 400k!

    Top left house is owned by Babethoven Bottom right house owned by me, perfect place to build your tower. PM me here, or get a hold of me on IRC: Timbeer ; If you have any questions or concerns PM me, IRC is the better way to get a hold of me.
  11. Panduh

    WTS 115 Fishing PS

    120k, negotiable.
  12. Panduh

    WTS 115 Fishing PS

    Make an offer, I am open to trades.
  13. Panduh

    What the heck is this item?!

    Put a knife next to it for added effect, now if only i could find some sort of straw like deco, I'd be in business.
  14. Panduh

    What the heck is this item?!

    Interesting, it makes for a nice deco item when used properly, wasn't sure if i was getting the run around on IRC or not, was mostly some guy trolling, but hey, what can you do. Thanks for the serious reply, it's greatly appreciated, and hey, you learn something new everyday. I'll have to score...
  15. Panduh

    What the heck is this item?!

    A guildie found this item, asked us what it was, there is absolutely no item name, and no tool tip. No idea what to tell them, anybody got any ideas? I asked around IRC, someone said it was from breaking a gem on a tinker, and that it's utterly useless. Not sure I'm believing that, so I...
  16. Panduh

    New players need help?

    Hey a magical man, just saw you in game, and you helped me and my friend Cryptickid immensely, thanks so much man! Way to spread the love of UOF. Hope to see you around.
  17. Panduh

    Guide to being a Thieving Street Rat

    Well this is kind of embarassing haha.. Thank you.... Also, how do i plug that info into razor, i can't seem to change the target server, should i just use UOsteam instead Strike that i've figured it out..
  18. Panduh

    Guide to being a Thieving Street Rat

    This is the ultima online forever forum right? o.o Zenvera? or am i extremely confused?
  19. Panduh

    Guide to being a Thieving Street Rat

    This is the only guildmistress or master i see in the stated building, and it's not the thieve's guild leader, am I losing my mind over here? haha EDIT: additionally the others around are mages, herbalist, and the lady in the office is a hairstylist;
  20. Panduh

    Guide to being a Thieving Street Rat

    Right I understand that there is no context menu for joining the guild, but don't the guildmaster's offer training in hide and the like?