Search results

  1. N

    WTS High End Clothes+Rares

    Broompity bump
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    WTB Buying Silver/Repond Fencing Weps!!!

    Repond/Fortified/Force/Eminently Acc War Fork Exceptional/Repond Short Spear
  3. N

    WTS Selling PW Antlers

  4. N

    WTS High End Clothes+Rares

    Items still for sale! Shoot offers on any you don't have to buy a full suit.
  5. N

    WTS Thread Closed

    I got back at about 10 EST yesterday. I will be on for most of the day today other than maybe 3 hours.
  6. N

    WTS High End Clothes+Rares

    Bada Bump 2.4M offer on PW Halfy + Some interest in PW Doublet/Skirt
  7. N

    WTS Skill Scrolls!

    Bump most of these are here msg me what you need.
  8. N

    WTS Thread Closed

    Bump. Still have items Stoned bid on due to his inactivity.
  9. N

    WTS High End Clothes+Rares

    Selling these to possibly start a tamer or a farm somewhere to settle down in my UO career. Shoot an offer I put the costs to make beside the item - 175k/1k dono coins. PW Feathered Tribal(7k donos, 1.225M to make) - Offer PW Doublet, excep/blessed (8yds to attempt, 6 to make "Crafter's...
  10. N

    WTS 7x8 Yew Gate House(EPIC)

    S/B 150K B/O ???? GLAURUNG KNOWS
  11. N

    WTS Charcoal Ethy Llama

    Bid retracted, should be easy sell considering buyer already had a 2.5M and a 2M offer(*in PM*).
  12. N

    WTS Dono Coin Rares! CHEAP!!

    Got someone willing to pay 300k for it, sorry. Just need to get around to aiming him.