Search results

  1. Merkin Majesticon

    How is scamming rated?

    i thought i invinted that one, either way it was my favorite, along with selling someone a hidden horse instead of the pure mare they thought they were buying
  2. Merkin Majesticon

    WTS blessed PW Boots

    price range?
  3. Merkin Majesticon

    WTS Super Epic Death Beetle

    Selling Epic Death Beetle, 1/2 Pre Patch Higher Stat Beetles on shard, @FAMARA has the other i think Poison can be trained even higher with SS. Starting Bid 3 Mill Buy out 5 Mill
  4. Merkin Majesticon

    Selling CHeapz, Buying Cheapz

    Selling CHeapz, Buying Cheapz
  5. Merkin Majesticon

    WTS Char Ninja Mask(layered) s/b 1.5M

    rebid 1.7 millz solid
  6. Merkin Majesticon

    WTB Leather dye tub

    hit me up
  7. Merkin Majesticon


  8. Merkin Majesticon

    WTS Char Ninja Mask(layered) s/b 1.5M

    bid retracted
  9. Merkin Majesticon

    WTS close plz

    ill take it, hit me up