Search results

  1. T

    WTS Lots of SS - Updated!

    I'll take the inscribes too meet at docks when server comes up?
  2. T

    WTS Lots of SS - Updated!

    Pm not working for some reason
  3. T

    WTS 115 Lumberjacking

    I'll take it
  4. T

    WTS Lots of SS - Updated!

    I'll the lj 7 k ach
  5. T

    WTS 115 tailor 110 taming 110 lj

    I got the lj still?
  6. T

    Lumber jack

  7. T

    WTS Ocllo Vendor House - TWO NEW VENDORS!?!?!

    Just trying to wrap my head around it all.
  8. T

    WTS Ocllo Vendor House - TWO NEW VENDORS!?!?!

    Exceptional adds damage right not accuracy? If so the might then stacks with damage modifier or exceptional right?
  9. T

    WTS Ocllo Vendor House - TWO NEW VENDORS!?!?!

    Sweet. You making new wood bows and if so gotten anything spectacular made? Gonna be a while before I get to that point heh.
  10. T

    WTS Ocllo Vendor House - TWO NEW VENDORS!?!?!

    Yeah he's a slacker lol forced me to make my own fletcher Got any rep slayers on there?
  11. T

    WTS Ocllo Vendor House - TWO NEW VENDORS!?!?!

    Have the other guy restock he's way cheaper lol!!!!!
  12. T

    WTS 115 Tinkering, 105 Taming, & others

    Go away madd dogg. Shoo shoo!
  13. T

    WTS 115 Tinkering, 105 Taming, & others

    I'll take the lj. I'll be home after 630 cst tonight
  14. T

    Lumber jack

    Need lots of lj ss and a 110 115 scroll pm me with prices and thanks!!
  15. T

    WTS Lockpicking scroll

    I'll take it tonight if you still have
  16. T

    WTT FLETCHING or MACE or SWORDS for Resist/Magery/Fence or $$

    I need fletching and lj I have a Margery n miney
  17. T

    WTS Selling 2x Lockpicking SS 150k each

    I'm in now what's ur toons name
  18. T

    WTS Selling 2x Lockpicking SS 150k each

    I'll be online bout 30 mins.
  19. T

    WTS Skill Scrolls!!!

    How many and how much for lumberjack and fletching.