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  1. Greed

    WTS Marked Runebooks and Spellbooks

    Restocked the following: 0-GM Provocation Guide runebooks Recall Scrolls The rest will be restocked in the next few days~
  2. Greed

    WTS Marked Runebooks and Spellbooks

    Restocked the following runebooks: Mining Caves
  3. Greed

    Player Vendor Suggestion

    Another thing I think that would be nice for vendors would be the ability to drop a check on your vendor instead of only being able to drop gold. Obviously that wouldn't be a huge quality of life change but it still would be nice I think.
  4. Greed

    WTS Marked Runebooks and Spellbooks

    Converted my skill scrolls vendor to a recall scrolls vendor so now you can get all your marked runebooks and recall scrolls in one spot!!!
  5. Greed

    WTS Marked Runebooks and Spellbooks

    Restocked the following runebooks: Factions/Sigils of Britannia
  6. Greed

    WTS Marked Runebooks and Spellbooks

    Restocked the following runebooks: Dungeons of Britannia
  7. Greed

    WTS Marked Runebooks and Spellbooks

    Restocked the following runebooks: Cities and Towns
  8. Greed

    WTS Marked Runebooks and Spellbooks

    Restocked the following runebooks: 0-GM Taming Guide
  9. Greed

    Favorite music to listen while RAGING!

    i usually listen to this playlist:
  10. Greed

    WTS Marked Runebooks and Spellbooks

    Restocked the following runebooks: Dungeons of Britannia
  11. Greed

    WTS Marked Runebooks and Spellbooks

    Restocked the following runebooks: Mage Shops (with the rest to come in the next few days)
  12. Greed

    WTS Marked Runebooks and Spellbooks

    Restocked the following runebooks: 0-GM Provocation Guide (with the rest to come in the next few days)
  13. Greed

    WTS Marked Runebooks and Spellbooks

    Restocked the following runebooks: 0-GM Animal Taming Guide (with the rest to come in the next few days)
  14. Greed

    WTS Marked Runebooks and Spellbooks

    Restocked the following runebooks: NPC Escort Guide (with the rest to come in the next few days)
  15. Greed

    WTS Marked Runebooks and Spellbooks

    Sorry for not restocking for a while to all my lovely customers! I've been really busy making a character just for runebook marking so that I can mark runebooks much more quickly now. Also, restocked the following runebooks: Cites and Towns (with the rest to come in the next few days)
  16. Greed

    How do I upgrade to client version

    Just a thought, when the new content is released offer up a new client that is updated to work with the new content.
  17. Greed

    Dexterity and Stealth/Hiding

    no, however wearing armor does affect your ability to stealth
  18. Greed

    PK'd in my House?? should be safe even in a 7x7...see this guide for details: http://www.********.com/community/index.php?threads/325444/
  19. Greed

    lets discuss thieves risk

    i love playing a thief. it's rad.
  20. Greed

    Ansem's MegaFisher Macro v2.5 (For hunting serps/getting MIBS)

    Computer ---> Local Disk (C : ) ---> Users ---> (Nanashi or w/e you named your PC) ---> AppData ---> Roaming ---> Razor ---> Macros