tbh the places I farm seem to have more issues with 1 or 2 lonely pks than a group. then again I never stay in one spot to long. I bounce around big time. im also pretty decent at pvp but then again it might be because I just don't give a damn. if I die and my pets die I really don't care . I...
just out of curiosity what do you think the gm's should do? I think killing dexxers 1v me and my pets is cake walk, unless its more than 1 ,2 or 3 can get tricky no doubt. I rarely ever die. I mean don't get me wrong I do die sometimes however usually I send any pks off running then I usually...
LOL i like how you say skill of the cast. I forgot your the guy with the rage against not dying and your keystrokes are the #deathstrokes. @Stonexx " Im a impressive wizard with skilled casting" lol
@lollo I think the problem isn't the mortar and pestle I think the problem is the gump for the mortar and pestle , I don't know how to set the gump to any I tried converting to use gump any but that still doesn't work it still gets caught up
bro this forum fucks up for me sometime I dunno why my comment was in the quote anyway I was saying do you mean type or actualy time if you mean time please explain @lollo
I have not trained alchey in a while started to train it last night using a razor macro. everytime my morter and pestle runs out it makes me re press play on the macro, any ideas???? I used to be able to run it smooth no problem. I also forgot how to write /do the macro so it manually makes me...
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