Search results

  1. icemanihi

    WTS Razer Biding Sale 1

    600 chest
  2. icemanihi

    WTS Razer Biding Sale 1

    mb chest
  3. icemanihi

    WTS Feasting Table Turkey Drop

    DoodadFeastingTableEast New Turkey Drop Bid or Buyout on Vendor: s/b 1.2 mil b/o: 2 mil
  4. icemanihi

    WTS Set of (2) Pillow of Deceit

  5. icemanihi

    WTS Set of (2) Pillow of Deceit

  6. icemanihi

    WTS Set of (2) Pillow of Deceit

  7. icemanihi

    WTS Set of (2) Pillow of Deceit

  8. icemanihi

    WTS Set of (2) Pillow of Deceit

  9. icemanihi

    WTS 13x18 Max Near Ice Dungeon

    Great location, no blockage, room to expand in future! s/b: 2mil b/o: 3mil
  10. icemanihi

    WTS Awesome Seaside Location! *Cancelled*

    No longer for sale
  11. icemanihi

    WTS 13x18 Max Storage Yew **SOLD**

  12. icemanihi

    WTS 14x10 Trin Gate house **SOLD**

  13. icemanihi

    My suggestions to bring back fun.

    Just to clarify, nothing in an IDOC falls to the ground anymore? Either is goes to an Ettin or to the world loot pool, but nothing falls to the ground?
  14. icemanihi

    My suggestions to bring back fun.

    I have to agree here. Just returning from a year off. Accidently let my houses fall loaded with rares from years of play. IDOCing used to be a good way to get back into the game without having to have the time to grind for gold. Not a whole lot of incentive to come back when years worth of...
  15. icemanihi

    WTS Rares- some you may never see again

    17. 420k
  16. icemanihi

    WTS Xmas Items!

  17. icemanihi

    WTS Dragon Egg, hue 1155

    SOLD for BO