Search results

  1. Hamaly

    WTS deco

    how much for the mirror and bone set?
  2. Hamaly

    WTS Stone Furniture, cooked brains and full spell books at Macbeth Moonglow Shop

    Thank you so much for ALL those tables! Really fast farming for all that stone, ma'am. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
  3. Hamaly

    WTB Vines

    Thank you Savage. I will check that out periodically.
  4. Hamaly

    Price Check on Small Banana Tree. Looks like this here.
  5. Hamaly

    Price Check on Small Banana Tree.

    Small Banana Tree
  6. Hamaly

    WTB Vines

    Thanks so much Ma'am! They look great. Still looking for those vines though, folks. Help a girl out!!
  7. Hamaly

    WTB Vines

    I also need 4 gold stone large vases. Not sure what these are going for.
  8. Hamaly

    WTB Vines

    I am in the market for 4-5 south facing vines. I need the fuller lush ones, not the dryer looking style. Paying 2k per vine. Thanks!
  9. Hamaly

    Faytality - UOF's most famous house designer

    I figure out my function and then use graph paper like a classic nerd... Lol Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  10. Hamaly

    Faytality - UOF's most famous house designer

    Thats a nice looking house. Great job.
  11. Hamaly

    Please tell me I'm not crazy...

    Please tell me I'm not the only one already started on their design for the house deco competition. If you don't, I might start to feel like a huge nerd.
  12. Hamaly

    House decorators

    I admire the ability to work with others that Faytality obviously has. I love working on houses but find I don't take criticisms well. I like things the way I like them and if others don't, too bad. Hahaha. Those are all some really great houses.
  13. Hamaly

    House decorators

    I also would love to see some of your houses.
  14. Hamaly

    WTS -SOLD- NEW RARE: Elegant Painting

    I was trying to drive the price down, most people work the system the wrong way..
  15. Hamaly

    WTS -SOLD- NEW RARE: Elegant Painting

  16. Hamaly

    WTS -SOLD- Rare Deco / Other Rares

    ill take the hanging armor
  17. Hamaly

    wtb 120 bs power scroll-bought

    I have one for 650k
  18. Hamaly

    Housing Competition

    You guys are all crazy. FYI Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  19. Hamaly

    That thought did cross my mind. =)

    That thought did cross my mind. =)
  20. Hamaly

    and thanks!

    and thanks!