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  1. L

    WTB Discordance Skill Scrolls

    U paying what per bro?
  2. L

    Emblem of battle

    Rapz for it.
  3. L

    Is it just me or has anyone noticed a jump in BOD quality?

    Got a val and verite bod this week. So yes
  4. L

    WTS Selling Locke's Gloves (Blessed)

    Damn u power. 3.4
  5. L

    WTS Selling Locke's Gloves (Blessed)

    3.2 mil
  6. L

    WTB Dragon Slaying/Exorcism/Reptilian Death Instruments

    I have alot....what u paying per
  7. L

    WTS Sold, I think?

    So they only can be used once?
  8. L

    WTS BS 46 Small bods & 2 Large bods Auction

    Lol its a joke guy
  9. L

    WTS BS 46 Small bods & 2 Large bods Auction

    Screw these guys ..they all retract bid. 50k
  10. L

    247 Z axis house res exploit..

    Yes the original members are grade A bonafide douche pussies without the hair. U mass recruited so many that some are decent peeps and players. But guys like u...who even died to my shitty bard limlight were/are trash. U should never die on a lj dexer to a hiding bard. You guys talked mad shit...
  11. L

    247 Z axis house res exploit..

    Lol stalking you? Your a dumbass. I barely post on any of ur shit and in this one i took ur side. Your clueless. Go dosge 3v1 more.
  12. L


    Gm the scrolls and buy 30 from me
  13. L

    WTS Sold, I think?

    How many uses on hammer?
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    how many u need fluberator I think i have 20ish
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    247 Z axis house res exploit..

    I always make fun of 247..because the original members are pussies....theyve recruited so much its impossible for them all to be lame now. But that said...crying about this is stupid. Who gives a rats ass.
  16. L

    Removing recall

    The only thing id be game for is a recall with a casting time of blade spirits
  17. L

    WTB Vanq Spears

    I have quite a few. What u paying