Search results

  1. Drustan

    WTS BOD Cloth Tier 5 & 4

    TIER 5 Ice White - 6 yds Fire Orange - 23 yds Metallic Red - 9 yds Tennis Ball Yellow - 5 yds Newt - 21 yds Tier 4 Charcoal - 15 yds Nightmare/Evil Mage - 29 yds Dark Blue - 10 yds Red/Blue - 9 yds
  2. Drustan

    WTS 16x17 Minoc near water/mine no spawn

    S/B for plot 850k If you want the design intact, add 400k to plot bid upon purchase
  3. Drustan

    WTB Lucky hat 100k

    PM Me
  4. Drustan

    WTS 115 Peace & 120 Peace

    Yeaaaah buddy. You ready?
  5. Drustan

    WTS 115 Peace & 120 Peace

    Swwwaaayyyzzzzzzzeeeeee! Don't die on me now! But seriously, I really enjoyed Point Break. And on that note, my points can't break the 115 cap without you! I need you!
  6. Drustan

    WTS 115 Peace & 120 Peace

    425k for 120 peacemaking.
  7. Drustan

    WTS 115 Peace & 120 Peace

    350k for 120 peace
  8. Drustan

    WTS Selling 10x13 plot near Skara/hedge maze

    Alright. If I dont respond here immediately try IRC.
  9. Drustan

    WTS Selling 10x13 plot near Skara/hedge maze

    You got it. It just sits there. You ready?
  10. Drustan

    WTS Selling 10x13 plot near Skara/hedge maze

    50k obo Quiet area.
  11. Drustan

    WTS fallon LL 100k - LL12k - +4ar minax shroud 50k - 110fish 50k

    WTS fallon lich lord statue SOLD regular lich lord 12k +4 armor minax shroud 50k 110 fishing PS 50k Lucky hat SOLD Dedicated bandana 100k Ethy llama 175k BUY MY STUFF
  12. Drustan

    PC Armored Minax Shroud

    How much is an armored Minax shroud worth and who wants to buy it from me?
  13. Drustan

    Buying 110 Peacemaking

    PM me with price
  14. Drustan

    WTS BOD cloth, Powerscrolls, Blacksmith Gloves of Mining

    Selling various BOD cloths, 105 & 115 peacemaking power scrolls, 105 fishing, and two Ringmail Blacksmith Gloves of Mining (+5/+5) PM me or contact me via IRC "Drustan"
  15. Drustan

    Pricecheck ringmail gloves +5 blacksmith +5 mining

    Ringmail blacksmith gloves of mining, anybody know? Thank you
  16. Drustan

    Pricecheck 115 Blacksmith PS

    What's the minimum and maximum price range for this item? Thank you. Also, would anybody happen to know the price of a +4 armored Minax shroud?