It is actually pretty easy if you know how to do it. Once you get it down and understand the mechanics of the mob. You can kill him quick with the right combo of characters. TAMERS are not the best thing to bring in there for the exception of if you want to kill the daemons at the entrance. You...
I guess you have neglected to REAAAAAAAAAAAAAD what Yoko said about whom they had in there doing the Warden. AND DID I COMPLAIN about your game play? I WAS STATING THE FACT about you guys constantly trolling the boss! YET AGAIN NOT A COMPLAINT. JUST STATING A FACT that that was the only issue...
I love how Bobby makes it sound so hard to do the Warden. We have done warden in under 20 minutes easily (with 1 berserker meta-dexer that was only lvl 7 and 4 meta mages (only 2 were lvl 10). Only issue we have had is $ guild constantly camping the boss 22 out of 24 hours a day and trolling it...
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