Search results

  1. Jimmy

    WTB White polar bear mask

    Buying your unwanted clothes here!
  2. Jimmy

    WTS Vanqs for Talisman Quest - 7.5k each

    UP UP UP! On IRC now
  3. Jimmy


    Price for layered polar bear mask? Have no idea what it's worth so don't want to make incorrect offer. And it's PW not ice white per ice fiend drop right?
  4. Jimmy

    WTS Vanqs for Talisman Quest - 7.5k each

    In stock again! Come get em!
  5. Jimmy

    WTB White polar bear mask

  6. Jimmy

    Start looting your jewlery....

    Has anyone figured out whether it's worth the weight? i.e., one stone of gems vs. one stone of gold? There's no doubt that a lot of gems can be valuable but the question is whether it's worth the hassle of looting (even if you use grab item) + taking weight away from actual gold looting.
  7. Jimmy

    WTB White polar bear mask

    Looking for blessed bear mask, cloak, and halfy. No rush so only looking for well priced used clothing ;) PM me if you have any you'd like to get rid of!
  8. Jimmy

    WTS Shadow dragon with decent stats

    See you at Skara stable?
  9. Jimmy

    WTS Shadow dragon with decent stats

    Sir Fattson - are you around to make this trade? :)
  10. Jimmy

    WTS Shadow dragon with decent stats

    Freshly tamed! High hits and high mana. Strength is a little low though. S/B: 75k
  11. Jimmy

    WTS Handouts

    I'll take sandals
  12. Jimmy

    Relics as a GOLDSINK

    Probably because people are buying donos to fund these expensive habits? I'm guilty myself and I know of plenty of other people who have done the same simply because we don't have the time nor interest in farming stuff up. Therefore putting it there as a gold sink at such relatively low prices...
  13. Jimmy

    WTS 115 Mining

  14. Jimmy

    WTS 20x L4 cleverly and 20x L5 deviously maps

    Noted. Thank you. 24H starts now.
  15. Jimmy

    WTS 20x L4 cleverly and 20x L5 deviously maps

    S/B 200k Increments of 10k only please. Ends 24H after last bid above S/B.
  16. Jimmy

    WTS 115 Mining

    Asking 125k obo.
  17. Jimmy

    WTS PW Lich Lord and Fallon Lich Statues

    Prefer to sell together but happy to split for the right price. PW Lich Lord S/B: 150k Fallon Lich S/B: 150k
  18. Jimmy

    WTS Bloody bloody bloody relic

    Well you know where to find me @Nanashi