Search results

  1. C

    Buying QS Relic Paying Welll!! 9.5mil!

    buying a qs relic.. let me know your price
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    WTS 115 animal taming starting bid 100k

    sorry its over now ill sell to the last person 175k
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    WTB Quicksilver RELIC - 8mil (close)

    hmmm guess its back to the poker tables for me..
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    WTB BUYING QS RELIC 8.5 MIL! i have cash in hand

    buying a qs relic for 8.5 mil!!!! im ready if u are
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    WTS 115 animal taming starting bid 100k

    selling 115 animal taming ill start the bidding at 100k must be increased by 25k. auction will end tomm at midnight
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    WTS 3 Tittle scrolls.. and a 115 provo ps

    selling these 3 title scrolls the defiler : sb 120k daddy long leg : sb 200k the renaissance man : sb 150k 115 provo: sb 200k
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    WTS 120 lumberjacking 650k Cheapppp

    Selling 120 lj power scroll... only 650k! SOLLLLD
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    WTS 120 lumberjacking 700k

    Selling my 120 lj powerscroll 700k
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    Anything Going On In Uo For Canada day????

    its the best day in the world.. you would assume uo would do something to celebrate it!
  10. C

    WTS Selling Some Rares

    Selling some rares: Turmur Table - 200k An Anchor- 150k Muzzle Packer (Champion Artifact)- 250k a Mounted Pixie (Champion Artifact)- 250k Blessed Neon Green Sandals- 250k Blessed Anhk of Binding- 400k Sigurds Shield (red) 100/100- 100k Riktors Heart- 100k 115 blacksmithing - 200k 115...
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    WTS Selling Blessed Layerd Charcoal Featherd Tribal Mask

    as the tittle says: Blessed Layerd Charcoal Featherd Tribal Mask -------- S/b 1.1mil B/o 1.3mil