Search results

  1. WarSmith666

    WTB 105 Fishing PS

    still need 2 ps pm me thanks
  2. WarSmith666

    WTS sold

    war axes are not fencing weapons they are macing weapons
  3. WarSmith666

    WTB 105 Fishing PS

  4. WarSmith666

    gargoyle galeon recipe

    price check please thanks
  5. WarSmith666

    WTB Ancient anchor"bought one"

  6. WarSmith666

    WTB 105 Fishing PS

  7. WarSmith666

    WTB Ancient anchor"bought one"

    pm me here or on discord
  8. WarSmith666

    Dye tubs from fishing

    damn yea I forgot about idoc system lol
  9. WarSmith666

    Dye tubs from fishing

    are they rare hues or just simple dye tubs? cuz I found a purple dye tub fishing but its only labeled a dyeing tub
  10. WarSmith666

    WTB 105 Fishing PS

  11. WarSmith666

    WTB bought

    pm me here or on discord ↓
  12. WarSmith666


    All massively restocked↑
  13. WarSmith666

    WTB not needed anymore

  14. WarSmith666

    WTB neon green / red / orange chests

    I have a lot of the normal ones looking for the bright ones
  15. WarSmith666

    WTB 105 Fishing PS

    need 2 pm me↓
  16. WarSmith666

    WTB neon green / red / orange chests

    will buy 20K per pm me if your interested to sell ↓
  17. WarSmith666

    WTB 105 Fishing PS

    PM me price here or on discord↓
  18. WarSmith666

    Fishing Macro on boat

    can anyone share a fishing macro used on a boat that cuts fish please. I tried all of the ones in forums ive seen nothing worked. thanks
  19. WarSmith666

    Rare Night Pets VS White Wyrms

    holy......... damn...... o.o