Search results

  1. tjchats

    WTB BULK Iron Ingots (BOUGHT)

    @Elizabeth Gold Has one of the largest ingot stocks on the server.
  2. tjchats

    WTB barbed leather suits bulk

    Sent you a PM we can talk price!
  3. tjchats

    WTB All your Barbed Leather!

    Buying bulk Barbed Leather! PM me with the amount of leather and your asking price!
  4. tjchats

    Where to get bones?

    Also the undead area on the first floor of Fire Dungeon is pretty good for bones as well. There are a lot Bone Mages that drop anywhere from 1-9 bones per. You can easily 1 hit them with any decent silver weapon. I can clear the room in about 5 minutes with around 50-100 bones and be on my...
  5. tjchats

    Where to get bones?

    Did not know you could do that, good to know! How many bones does a single pile yield?
  6. tjchats

    WTB Crafting PS/SS

    Updated list at top!
  7. tjchats

    WTS Orange Petals and Green Thorns [MAD LOW PRICES] [43 o 25 ' N , 11 o 40 ' E]

    Sounds great, needed to restock my regs was thinking about picking up a 100. Thanks!
  8. tjchats

    WTS Orange Petals and Green Thorns [MAD LOW PRICES] [43 o 25 ' N , 11 o 40 ' E]

    What stacks are you selling the thorns in?
  9. tjchats

    WTS Orange Petals and Green Thorns [MAD LOW PRICES] [43 o 25 ' N , 11 o 40 ' E]

    Randy is a super nice guy and a great seller. He showed my character, Garven Merrick, how the thorns worked and was very nice about answering all my questions. Free bump, well deserved!
  10. tjchats

    WTS Clothing Bless Deeds - 2x

    Sold - Thank you for your business! @VFingerDiscount
  11. tjchats

    WTS 115 tailoring PS

    If I still needed another I would for sure make an offer. However I finished my third legendary tailor just a few days ago. Three Legendary Tailors is enough for BODs....right....hmmmmm :)
  12. tjchats

    WTS 110 provo, 110 inscribe

    45k per 90k for both?
  13. tjchats

    WTS 115 tailoring PS

    Hey man, After making 3 Legendary Tailors I never paid more than 80k for my 115 PSs. Def not trying to crap on your post, just thought I would mention incase you haven't been getting any responses. If you did sell already at 150 more power to ya! :)
  14. tjchats

    WTS The Following List of PS/SS

    Will you take 1.5 per for all of the fletching ss? I will also go 7k per on the tailoring ss.
  15. tjchats

    WTS Clothing Bless Deeds - 2x

    I have another CBD for sale PM tjchats on Forums or Discord.
  16. tjchats

    WTB Crafting PS/SS

    Still need 16x Tailoring SS
  17. tjchats

    WTS 23 magery ss/17 resist ss.115 taming/lore/tailor/Frag

    What is the price on the 115 Tailoring
  18. tjchats

    WTB Crafting PS/SS

    ^ Still looking for these
  19. tjchats

    WTB WTB White Braziers and Seer's Powder(8k each)

    I have two tall white braziers from the last event what are you offering?
  20. tjchats

    WTS Powerscrolls, and +1 Skill Scrolls

    Do you still have the Carpentry SSs? I will take all 5 if you still have them. 5K Per is a great price :)