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  1. Hydro

    WTS 115 taming PS

  2. Hydro


    9k left
  3. Hydro


    12k left
  4. Hydro


    195k per 1k or 190k per 1k for all 17k only
  5. Hydro

    Has the raffle 30x30 been claimed?

    nvm then burn the witch!
  6. Hydro

    Has the raffle 30x30 been claimed?

    shane prob with his family for thanksgiving im guessing maybe tomorrow
  7. Hydro

    WTS Full Soulforge Kit

    when you craft one can you redeed it to move it? or once its placed its placed
  8. Hydro

    Suggestion for having extra house slot ! *** READ***

    last thing we need is more people squatting on empty house plots you only need one house max 2 imo
  9. Hydro

    WTS Rune Etched Chest and MOTM Cloth Auction!

    im on wbb roof
  10. Hydro

    WTS Rune Etched Chest and MOTM Cloth Auction!

    can you do me a favor before i bid? can you come to wbb and open it in a trade so i can see the inside or take a pic of the inside
  11. Hydro

    Has the raffle 30x30 been claimed?

    im past point where $ matters
  12. Hydro

    Has the raffle 30x30 been claimed?

    if i won ide never sell it =/
  13. Hydro

    Bonded Pet Question

    also if you wanna train vet you wanna have a bonded animal on someone other then your vet otherwise you will just res the pet and wont keep getting gains
  14. Hydro

    Has the raffle 30x30 been claimed?

    imo if the guy hasnt logged in for over a month redraw today like what was said...if he has logged in try to get a hold of him give it a few days then redraw
  15. Hydro

    I.....I... I just......what?!

    i wish i saved the logs but he and smokeslot were both spam pming me saying they were going to "ddos my ass" they both kinda ********, it was over a week ago though best part was when i said "dude its 250k get over it" and he spammed me with "fuck you I afk mine anyway what do i care about...
  16. Hydro

    I.....I... I just......what?!

    btw that guy is 100% orcus...i beat him on poker table and he raged in spam pms over irc about it trying to act internet tough over 250k
  17. Hydro

    WTS Hue 811 Dragon Egg (soaked in $ blood, LAWL!!).

    they tryed to invade us too and all their reds got stated
  18. Hydro

    WTB Special Hammer Shards

    im going out for the night i put them on my vendor south of moonglow bank named "Rares and Runics"
  19. Hydro

    WTB Special Hammer Shards

    i got 2 now got another from a rda