Search results

  1. RyuDesync

    Tamer Pet guide

    Can't seem to find a list compiled of all the higher-end tamed animal max stats. Within this guide should be max stats,color variations,and prices specifically for UOF. Additionally,If you have helpful info/questions I can edit this with please do so. Pet variations/max stats/level req...
  2. RyuDesync

    Pet stats?

    Also,If anyone would like to post pictures and color variations for each and maybe even a price(What they sell/can be sold for),we could kill all these birds with one stone.
  3. RyuDesync

    Pet stats?

    I agree with you 100%,I could start to compile a list on wiki if people want to post stats like this. Thankyou river! Much help
  4. RyuDesync

    Pet stats?

    Hello,Was wondering if anyone has or would like to compile a list of pets max possible stats on UOF? Can't seem to find references anywhere
  5. RyuDesync

    veteran armor patch?

    Ok,Not too familiar with things yet. Should probably be sure before i try to help,huh? Sorry for false information!
  6. RyuDesync

    veteran armor patch?

    Armor patch? Apply to capes and such and give 1AR assuming im thinking about the same thing? Cloth items I believe man,Sorry if i'm wrong
  7. RyuDesync

    WTS Selling White wyrms!

    Fair deal,I'll get to work on that for you.
  8. RyuDesync

    WTS Selling White wyrms!

    I'm talking 7x gm :D and I'll keep my eyes peeled for ya!
  9. RyuDesync

    WTS Selling White wyrms!

    I could do that aswell. How much?
  10. RyuDesync

    WTS Selling White wyrms!

    Yeah,all fresh tames. Sorry,didn't think to list that one :p
  11. RyuDesync

    WTS Selling White wyrms!

    '][/URL] 2
  12. RyuDesync

    WTS Selling White wyrms!

    Heres one '][/URL]
  13. RyuDesync

    WTS Selling White wyrms!

    Aye aye,logging shortly.
  14. RyuDesync

    WTS Selling White wyrms!

    Pm me if interested :)
  15. RyuDesync

    WTB 110 Animal Taming PS for 250K

    Woo! You found one lob!
  16. RyuDesync

    Staff rewards

    You guys are the best. Thanks for being so committed
  17. RyuDesync


    Not sure about that,I know if you DL the whole package it should process itself. After DLing razor inside of it.
  18. RyuDesync


    Ahh i figured it out.
  19. RyuDesync


    The hellcats are surrounded man lmfao i have no idea how ill tame in there
  20. RyuDesync

    WTS Giant Beetles 20k all day

    Noticed that today x,x