Search results

  1. T

    WTS Fallon Fire Ele Statue

    2 mill SB. 100k inc. b/o at 5 mill lasts 24 hours from last bid. The other half to fire water ele, is the water fire ele :)
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    WTS Ice Blue WW (SOLD)

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    WTS 120 Lumber(SOLD)

    price lowered
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    WTS Ice Blue WW (SOLD)

    SB 100k BO 400k auction ends 12 hours from last bid. ty
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    WTS 120 Lumber(SOLD)

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    WTS Remedy Relic(sold)

    First 1 Mill Takes it.
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    WTB complete

    PM ME
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    WTS Golem Statue(sold for BO)

    Waiting on sale. Thanks.
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    WTS Golem Statue(sold for BO)

    (price lowered)
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    WTS Golem Statue(sold for BO)

    sb 200k bo 400k Auction ends 24 Hours from last bid.
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    WTB Ele Ban War Hammers

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    WTB Ele Ban War Hammers

    PM ME
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    WTS ETC's DRAGON BARDING DEEDS! NEW Everyday Low Price of Only 365k for Valorite!!!

    your inbox is full, i want a val exp.
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    your inbox is full, u have any exp val dragon deeds?

    your inbox is full, u have any exp val dragon deeds?
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    Dragon Barding Deeds Question

    so my smith could repair it no hassle for my meta dex? @eppy
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    Dragon Barding Deeds Question

    @eppy how exaclty does that work? like through repair deeds? or need to transfer ownership?
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    Dragon Barding Deeds Question

    can the armor be repaired? or is a new deed required ultimatly?