I agree with much of what you said but I don't think PKs will ever be gotten rid of, too many play the game soely to fuck with others.
I think your strongest point is the lack of true PVP aspects when PKing. I said it many times before, the biggest problem we have is that in 99% of the time...
I strongly disagree with this unless you do what Bromista suggested and let non faction chars res for 5k!!! 5k is about right for a pet res! I know it seems very little at first but you got to realize that your pets die a lot in PVM situations, and you usually have two pets with you. That's 10k...
Yes, lets all take advice about pet skill loss from these non tamers who just got done crying for a week about skill loss for reds. After all these guys just threatened to grief the entire shard or straight out leave if skill loss is introduced to them and they would have to grind skills back up...
You just want more bonuses to your pking. This has nothing to with getting more people into pvp but making more gold while you do it. People who don't want to pvp wont do it for some salary but nice try.
I used if mana < 30, works pretty well for the higher mana cost spells. Also you have to adjust the skill levels a bit to match your shown skill, otherwise it will cast a lot when you aren't at the correct level for the lower spells.
These threats here are ridiculous! Go ahead and make the game even more impossible for everyone else, you are shooting your own foot, shane will be forced to implement even harsher punishments for reds. Instead of being reasonable once in your life, jeez.
Haven't seen anyone but Werkt do anything in game forever, you really had to mention $ to make a point? Damn.
This is your entire argument "I know what's up and you all know nothing". Again you are ridiculing yourself with stuff like "all pvmers do here is chase relics".
This. There has been so many changes to all kinds of classes and never have I seen people say they will straight out grief the entire shard if they go through with these changes.
Glutt has been trying to whitewash EQMS for months now, acting like they are angels that don't res kill or dry loot. He even tries to make his fascist "purple sunday" look like it's some gift he is giving us.
"effectively deleting the character" man these tears, how can you be this mad that you will have to grind a few skills back up? Just buy ss if it's so tough for you! Also welcome to the world of everyone else who plays this game. The grind is real!
Blind with anger that your red trammel is over. Writing that people only do pvm stuff if relics drop is just bullshit and doesn't help your cause. But you can't ever argue in any sensible way, you are willing to make up the most ridiculous stuff to help your cause. It's not working.
Do it, shane will be forced to put even harsher punishments on reds. In the end it's your own fault for always acting this way. Look at what you write here "I'm a beast and I will kill you all if you give me the slightest bit of trouble" lol sorry pal you brought all this upon you yourself and...
Ah yeah, maybe I was raging a bit hehe, anyways, this wasn't aimed at you, was more talking about the guys being all angry here, writing that they will roll in high numbers now killing everyone, sorry if that wasn't clear!
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