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  1. M

    WTS Fuck Ya look at that Goodie.

  2. M

    Did Taming Change?

    What exploit are you talking about then?
  3. M

    Did Taming Change?

    Exactly. No other ss is close to the taming price for +1. 250k for +1 and you say it's being exploited. its impossible to exploit taming to the extent that other skills get exploited.
  4. M

    Did Taming Change?

    How is this script an exploit? You can script every other skill 100x quicker than taming and you're calling it exploited? Might just go make my Dexxer in two hours and farm with it that way.
  5. M

    PC 120 Inscribe

    Okay thank you
  6. M

    PC 120 Inscribe

    Price on 120 inscribe please
  7. M

    WTS 115 Provo

    Still have this for sale. 110k!
  8. M

    WTS 115 Provo

    Still have it for sale!
  9. M

    WTS 115 Provo

    Ill skype you
  10. M

    WTS 115 Provo

    115 provo for sale! 125K or trading for 110 lore and some gold!
  11. M

    PC on 115 provo

    Awesome thank you!
  12. M

    PC on 115 provo

    How much you think 115 Provo is worth? Thanks
  13. M

    WTS 115 Provoke PS

    How much? Pm me
  14. M

    WTS Selling 115 Mining/Peace, 110 Tinker/Carp/Peace, 105 Carpentry/Lore

    How much for the 115 mining/110 taming/115 lore?
  15. M

    WTS 2 Story 10x13

    Check PM's!
  16. M

    Benefits of 120 in crafting skills

    So if you were to be making a worker character with these skills, what skills would you go? I currently have a miner/smith but looking to add more to him but not sure what the best options are.