My Smart Bandageself Script


Staff openly allowing pvp automation, gg UOF.

What Strigo said is spot on. You're using the instantaneous reactions of a CPU to gain an advantage versus normal human reaction times without even having to press any buttons at all. Same thing with the auto recall script that was being presented in another thread.
Fixed your quote - you were missing some of the formatting.

Staff openly allowing looped band-aids as mentioned above - not automated pvp.

Arch Enemy

Fixed your quote - you were missing some of the formatting.


Staff openly allowing looped band-aids as mentioned above - not automated pvp.

You can call it whatever you want, but if your PC is doing something for you without you having to press a single button, it's automated.




You can call it whatever you want, but if your PC is doing something for you without you having to press a single button, it's automated.

I won't argue with that logic but the "Automated PVP" that we are referring to in the rules is not that black and white and cannot be.


I don't really see this macro as game breaking personally. It might allow someone to get an extra bandaid off or something, but in reality it's not very hard to hit apply bandage every ~11s. Good PvPers should know that applying a bandage on yourself the second you take damage is not a good tactic. So in my mind all this will do is allow people who are beginners to survive a little bit longer.

Honestly I have mixed feelings about it, but that's how I see at this point in time.


@Blair, you've said things like this a few times, and I think your reasoning is overly subjective and biased. If a macro allows a bad player to compete with an average player without the macro, that is a huge deal. A macro doesn't have to beat a good pvp'er to have a significant impact on the game.

Whether or not a good pvper would benefit from any given macro is irrelevant.

Consider the purple pot macros. Most players cannot time a purple potion. Of the players that can time a purple potion, most cannot weave it in with spell casts. Most factioners can, but that's not the general population. The macro that's out there that automatically times them cannot be used to weave between spell casts effectively, so it would not benefit most factioners (good pvpers), but it is of HUGE benefit to those that cannot time them at all, play dexxers, or in a chase scenario.

I share your opinion that the very best PVPers would benefit little from automation macros, but those are only the very best. If automation macros can bring everyone up to, say, the 70th percentile, that is huge impact to the server even if it doesn't impact the best PVPers. Whether somebody is 20th or 70th percentile, you will still beat them (they'll survive a little longer). However consider the 60th percentile manual PVPer who is better than average, but an automation macro used by others could make him below average if he doesn't use it.

I do not think this bandage macro is game breaking alone. However the logic and automation of it does become game-breaking when applied to pots and spells. Further, consider that individual macros that are not game-breaking can be combined into something that is game-breaking.

And let's not point out the greater importance in group fights of communication, syncs, battlefield awareness, blah blah because pointing out one arena where it doesn't matter in no way negates the arenas where it does matter.
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I was just sharing my thoughts on the matter. At least we can agree macros like this will only take you so far in PvP and in the end you will have to be doing everything manually to progress past a certain point, and that was the point I was trying to make.

Also you can make this macro on Sallos if you wanted to, but I can guarantee you no one would use that.


I was just sharing my thoughts on the matter. At least we can agree macros like this will only take you so far in PvP and in the end you will have to be doing everything manually to progress past a certain point, and that was the point I was trying to make.

Also you can make this macro on Sallos if you wanted to, but I can guarantee you no one would use that.

How? There are no timers or ifs in sallos, and no way to loop a hotkey indefinitely?


Can I make a looping survival macro using everything UOSteam can do (trap pouches, autocure, etc) and see if you can kill it as a mage? I'd like to test a top PVPer vs automation :)


I think some of you will like my version much better

emotemsg 'Cries'
headmsg "I'm the greatest PVPer of UOF!!"
pause 2000
emotemsg 'Whines'
headmsg 'Macros are cheats!'
pause 2000
emotemsg 'Pouts'
headmsg 'I am the best!'
pause 2000
while hits < maxhits
msg 'My vagina is bleeding'
pause 11000


I just read this and had to reply because seeing someone complain about this being automated pvp literally hurts my head.. things like this is not considered scripting automated pvp. if that's the case you might as well disable loop for all macros and any form of combination of macros that do more then one thing. There is a huge difference between using scripts "easyuo" and "macros". Easy uo would be considered automate pvp scripting because you can run a script that does things for you while using macros, making a macro for pvp that bandages you and cures you I don''t see how that's considered automated pvp scripting.. because you can only use one macro at a time, if you hit another macro that current macro stops which means you have to use it again hence not automated. I think some people are just mad some people are smarter with their macros than they are and didn't think of it, if having a macro that bandages you in a fight is considered scripting which puts you at a disadvantage because it keeps you from using other macros then might as well start looking at every macro in the game that doesn't involve manually doing it yourself.


yea. anyone that complains about the scripts i use can eat my ass :shrug:

if a steam command is enabled by shane via server handshake, then ima use it. period. any command, in any way, however powerful the function works. if the command is removed, i won't complain. but i refuse to feel any shame for what's allowed to be used cuse of some random stranger's standards (or rather limitations).

ive even paid 3.5m for custom scripts that were way over my head to make myself. they are the 1st, 2nd, 3rd best gold i ever spent in this game by light years.

unexpectedly, buying those scripts taught me more about how to write them than anything else.
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yea. anyone that complains about the scripts i use can eat my ass :shrug:

if a steam command is enabled by shane via server handshake, then ima use it. period. any command, in any way, however powerful the function works. if the command is removed, i won't complain. but i refuse to feel any shame for what's allowed to be used cuse of some random stranger's standards (or rather limitations).

ive even paid 3.5m for custom scripts that were way over my head to make myself. they are the 1st, 2nd, 3rd best gold i ever spent in this game by light years.

unexpectedly, buying those scripts taught me more about how to write them than anything else.