PC - 18x18 +50% Max Storage

Looking for a price check on what people are willing to pay for my house. PM Me or post. Thanks for looking.

1.18x18 Stand Alone (No Spawn except animals around the house.)
2. No blockage
3. No mount zone
4. No cut zone
5. No Houses on screen
6. Mountain to mine
7. Plenty of wood to chop
8. Yew Liches(Spawns Liches, and Liche Lords)
9. Yew orc fort and orc cave near by, also shame dungeon, takes a little longer to run.
10. Increased Max Storage +50% Cost 5,000,000gp.

(Side Info: 100% A Classic Keep can be placed, what i had down before i put the 18x18 awhile back.)

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One of the best plots in the game. Had that location on Siege and loved it ! Good luck with the sale man.


Could you let us know what offers you’ve gotten and a ball park of what you “want/need” in order for u to sell