Recent content by xRDXx

  1. X

    WTS 110 Blacksmithy

    Let me know when your are/will be online.
  2. X

    WTS 110 Blacksmithy

    Still for sale @ 150K?
  3. X

    WTS Selling Shadow Runic Hammer

    Sounds good. Let me know when you are online...
  4. X

    WTS: Gargoyle Pickaxe, Prospectors Tools, Powder of Fort.

    You find out if that powder is worth anything?
  5. X

    WTS Selling Shadow Runic Hammer

    Selling Shadow Runic Hammer...make offer.
  6. X

    WTS Selling Shadow & Bronze Runic Hammar (Unused)

    Wad ya sell it for????
  7. X

    Selling 110 Blacksmith Power Scroll 190k

    You sell yet?
  8. X

    WTS Powerscroll Auction & Sale

    How much for the 105 Mining
  9. X

    UOF's very first Sportsbook opening near you!

    What is next prostitution? LOL
  10. X

    Selling deed to a small brick house

    You selling still?
  11. X

    Can't connect to the server today

    Same here...1st time it has ever happened.